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 Order Custom Artwork


What would you like done? What size? What do you want painting? Would you like it on a Custom 9" Vinylmation, Custom 3" Vinylmation, Custom Vinylmation 95, on canvas, as a Mural, a Story Door or something else? 

Here is how to order your custom artwork from artist NRB Relic.

Email NRB Relic with any questions you may have or email your order and she will work with you to make your one of a kind art piece.

9" Custom Vinylmation

$195.00 .....................................  $500.00

Some times a bit more if it includes a lot of sculpting.

3" Custom Vinylmation

Custom Vinylmation 95

$75.00 .....................................  $150.00

Some times a bit more if it includes a lot of sculpting.

$215.00 .....................................  $500.00

Some times a bit more if it includes a lot of sculpting.

The prices listed above are just an idea of how much customs are. If you would like to order a custom or find out more email artist NRB Relic

If you would like to order a painting on canvas, a mural, Story Door or something else please email artist NRB Relic with questions or to get a quote. 

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